Sunday, 6 May 2012


Today it finally hit me. I have no money.

Since i left my last job at the start of the year to concentrate on uni a bit more I've been spending a little more than i should have been. I knew this but every time i tried to correct myself something Mass Effect or Avengers. So now I'm poor and jobless and have no income whatsoever as May is is the last month for my bursary coming through and although i have been looking for jobs on and off for the last month I've had no luck. One of the main reasons for that though is because i don't particularly want to go back into bar work, it's not that i don't enjoy it but i don't feel that i can give uni my full attention when I'm still catching up on sleep because i was working until 4 in the morning.

£4.91 All that I have left.
So now i have just under £5 to last me at least a month (assuming that i get a job and they pay at the end of the month) which of course means that i can't buy any new games. On the plus side though it gives me the motivation to go back and play some games I've been meaning to return to including Catherine, the original Prototype and Red Dead Redemption which I've been meaning to go back to and finish for a long time. And of course this means I'll have more games to review which keeps me busy which stops me eating as much meaning i don't have to spend as much on food which will hopefully mean i can stretch £4.91 to last a whole month.

Fingers Crossed.

X-Box: IkasuKiller
PS3: Ikasu-Killer 
Steam: ikasukiller

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